KOCOweighing uses and processes the measurement data provided by the lifter, body or crane scales and, in conjunction with an installed identification system, enables the weighing data to be calculated with container accuracy. This data can then be transmitted manually or automatically to KOCO-online,
where the measurement data is available for correct calculation.

Weigh and Identify

KOCOweighing uses and processes the measurement data provided by the lifter, body or crane scales. In conjunction with a built-in identification system, KOCO weighing enables the weighing data to be billed for specific containers.

KOCO weighing provides the option of transferring data manually or automatically to the billing system.

Lifter scale

The KOCO lifter scale is integrated in the lifter, without interfering with the work. Existing refuse vehicles (from various manufacturers) can be retrofitted at any time and retain their properties as universal collection vehicles (low loading sill, open dumping, etc.).

The KOCO Lifter scale consists of two load cells. Depending on the lifter, one or two acceleration sensors are used. During the upward movement, the gross weight is measured and the identification number is retrieved.

After the container has been emptied, the tare weight is measured during the downward movement and the net weight of the dumped refuse is calculated. All standard containers can be dynamically weighed and identified. The lifter will not be stopped or reduced in speed.

Structure of scales

The KOCO body scale is equipped with 4 to 8 load cells, which are attached between the chassis and the body. The additional load is weighed in the body for each customer, so the waste can be collected across community borders or for major customers.

Crane scales

The KOCO crane scale has a load cell that is placed between the end of the crane boom and the hook or grab. The gross weight is measured when the container and its contents are lifted. After the container has been emptied, the tare weight is measured and the net weight is assigned to each customer.

The automatic customer assignment of the containers is implemented using the UHF – RFID identification system. It is possible to integrate the scale control into the radio remote control of the crane. The system fits most crane models.

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Advantages of our solutions

Quality is the top priority for our solution. That is why our software development and data storage take place in Switzerland.

We speak the language of our customers, have many years of experience and have short distances to our customers.

We are open to new ideas and respond to our customers’ needs. We develop our projects along the value chain of our clients.

We want to create added value for our customers. That is why we think in processes in order to be able to offer the best possible solution.

Our customers include cities, municipalities, waste management and recycling companies, as well as transport companies, construction companies and others. Every day, more than 100 different companies rely on our application.

With our comprehensive modules, we are able to optimise not only individual work steps, but entire work processes.

The KOCO software is compatible with many hardware components of our partners. This allows us to offer and implement projects and system competence from a single source.


Advantages of our solutions

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